Conservation Efforts
Heli Sika Limited a valued Partner of the Central North Island Sika Foundation
The Sika Foundation and Heli Sika business partnership is based upon the high quality of service that is provided for our Conservation initiatives:
Heli Sika provide helicopter flight time for:
6 annual Management HUNT’s. These are targeted at high deer population area’s to allow Recreational Hunters to access via Department of Conservation approved landing sites and focus of the harvesting of hinds to assist in herd management.
Cascade Hut trapping programme
The traps and trap boxes and Sika Foundation volunteers have been transported to the hut and from this location the trap lines have been established.
The monthly trap servicing trips are assisted with Heli Sika flying the volunteers into the Cascade Hut to complete the trap check and clearance programme.
Mahi Ora Heli-Hikes
These January trips allow the public to be flown into the Kaipo swing bridge landing site and they are then provided with an educational based walk down the Kaipo River. The traps used on the Predator control programme on the Kaipo River are explained and the benefits to the Whio breeding programme and population growth are highlighted. Heli Sika provide all the flights for the 22 conservationists on these trips.
Kaipo and Oamaru trap servicing programme
With a high number of Good Nature A24 traps on this trapping programme the 6 monthly servicing is split into specific area’s and Heli Sika provide the flights of volunteers and servicing product and equipment to upper reaches of the trap lines.
Kaimanawa REZ deer management programme
Over 2022 the deer numbers have been identified as high and the area was considered over-populated resulting in a lack of forest re-generation. The Sika Foundation has used groud based professional Hunters to reduce the deer population and assist in forest health. All flights of these contractors into the REZ were provided by Heli Sika.
REZ monitoring programme
After completion of the 1st year of the Kaimanawa REZ herd management the Sika Foundation has established monitoring sites and completed seedling regrowth counts. This will be an annual ongoing project. Heli Sika have provided all the flights for the monitoring staff.
REZ roar HUNT’s
With the support of the Department of Conservation the Sika Foundation has 4 campsites in the REZ that can be booked and used by Hunters from 28th March to the 14th May. Heli Sika provide the flights for all Hunters who fly in to hunt the REZ over this period.
The Sika Foundation is extremely grateful to the Heli Sika owners and staff who work closely with the Foundation staff to assist in the ongoing Conservation projects that we are conducting.
Mike Clinch
Business Manager
Central North Island Sika Foundation Inc.